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Anchor 1
Industrial fruit and vegetable processing generates massive volumes of waste
Citrus peels
22 billion pounds
Sugar beet pulp
150 billion pounds
Potato peels
50 billion pounds
Grape pomace
24 billion pounds

Despite the vast land, water and human resources dedicated to growing these crops, these wastes have little value
Who We Are

Ryan Protzko, Ph.D.
Ryan is an expert in microbial metabolism of agricultural wastes. Ryan is an Activate Fellow at LBNL and multiple First Place for at Big Ideas @ Berkeley competition.

Luke Latimer, Ph.D.
Luke has dedicated his career to advancing breakthrough green chemistry technologies. Luke is an Activate Fellow at LBNL and recipient of multiple green chemistry awards.

John Dueber, Ph.D.
John is a Professor of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley. John is a renowned Synthetic Biologist for his strategies for modular control and engineering of microorganisms.

Anchor 3
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